Remember that era when we were all trolling entitled people, and everyone and their aunts and uncles posted quotes up and down. Even the people that were the dictionary definition of entitlement joined the trend. It was a good time; we got to see people take a stand for themselves, and it was beautiful. Of course, some people abused It but is there anything in this world that hasn't been abused?
So you can imagine my shock last week when I realized I was the entitled person in a situation. I'm still cringing thinking about that moment, life will really humble you.
Due to some technicalities, I can’t give you the full gist of what went down, just my thoughts. Sorry, not sorry, a girl has pride.
I ended up feeling incredibly entitled to someone's time to the point where I started to resent the person. Truthfully, this situation made me a bit sympathetic to entitled people(the valid ones); hear me out.
I think, as humans, we are all programmed to be entitled, and it takes great discipline not to be. When someone offers to do, give or help out with something, at first, we're grateful, but as time goes on, we begin to see what was freely offered in the first place as our right.
It’s like, every day someone buys you lunch, the first 2-3 weeks you're really grateful because you understand it's done out of the goodness of the buyer's heart, but you still carry your lunch money because anything fit sup. By the 5th to 6th week, you no longer carry your lunch money because you have a sure plug for lunch. By the 10th week, you've delegated your lunch money to something else as your lunch is no longer your responsibility.
Now imagine, one day, your benefactor wakes up and decides to stop buying you lunch. You ask them why, and it’s the same reason they started buying you lunch in the first place, just because. Now you're in a fix because you no longer have any lunch money seeing as you already delegated it to solve a problem. You decide to take it up with your “benefactor,” hoping for compassion, but you become the person who is entitled to someone's money.
Now, this is purely from the receiver's pov and something might have happened to the “benefactor,” or they simply decided to stop because it’s their money, and they can do whatever with It, but why did you start it in the first place?
It’s like introducing someone to drugs and now the person is addicted you decide to stop supplying the drugs, what exactly do you expect to happen?
Now I get why people always say “no start wetin you no fit finish.” It's always difficult trying to see both sides when it comes to issues like this, so my solution is, make everybody dey their dey. If you want to help, that’s beautiful, but please don't build a sense of security and then take it away, especially when you know that person has come to rely on you.
Of course, we have the entitled AHs, just avoid them, but do some soul searching first.